CSS annual report 2023

Annual Report

The annual report provides an overview of the past financial year of the CSS Group. In addition to the latest facts and figures, it also reports on the economic, social and environmental highlights of the past year.

2023 Annual Report (in German)

Result for the year 2023 – CSS convinces in a challenging environment

In spite of the challenges faced in 2023, CSS can look back on a successful financial year: net earnings came to CHF 39.1 million, while premium income amounted to CHF 7.0 billion. As at 1 January 2024, CSS had 1.70 million clients, including 1.53 million clients for basic insurance. CSS has thus reinforced its leading market position.

New avenues in medical care

As a health partner, CSS aims to give its insured persons quick access to innovative products and services. That’s why it collaborates with renowned research institutes and invests in start-ups. The «Future of Health Grant» programme launched together with the Innovation Park of the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne focuses on promoting young start-ups. In 2023, 16 start-ups were chosen from more than 180 applicants. SwissHealth Ventures AG, founded in 2020, is also proving successful. The venturing fund supports more mature start-ups that have already notched up their first successes on the market. In the reporting year, SwissHealth Ventures invested in four companies specialising in care for the elderly, men’s health and easy access to laboratory diagnostics.