Up to CHF 1,400 for your health. Save on premiums.
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Changing health insurer

Would you like to change to CSS as your health insurer? CSS rewards a healthy lifestyle and pays a share of the costs of your efforts to promote your health.

Good to know

Max. CHF 700 per year for Fitness, Family, Exercise, Other.
Course and fitness costs
We pay 50% per year towards costs, capped at CHF 500.
365 days a year
The active365 app lets you earn CHF 600.
Active membership
We pay 50%, capped at CHF 100 per year.

Health insurance premiums at a glance

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How to get CHF 1,400

We actively promote your health. The Health Account and active365 rewards app let you benefit from the cost participation.

  • Premium Health Account max. CHF 700 per year for Fitness, Family, Exercise, Other (max. CHF 500 per offer area).
  • Health Account Bonus max. CHF 100 per year for active memberships.
  • active365 up to CHF 600 per year for these activities:
    • Per week: 300 minutes of training, 90 minutes of mindfulness training, 20 minutes of acquiring knowledge plus 70,000 steps.
    • Per year: take part in 8 activeMissions, submit 2x evidence of a health check, a health prevention measure and a social commitment.
    • 4x a year: submit a gym or sports club membership.

Choose your supplementary insurance


Close important gaps

Outpatient Insurance myFlex

  • Worldwide cover in emergencies
  • Contributions to orthodontic treatment for children
  • 90% of medication expenses covered
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Supplement basic insurance

Hospitalisation Insurance myFlex

  • Free choice of hospital throughout Switzerland
  • Choose ward: general, semi-private or private
  • No costs in the event of an emergency abroad
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Financial added value

Health Account

  • Up to CHF 800 a year paid towards your costs.
  • In addition, up to CHF 1,800 for a CSS Check-up every three years.
  • Free when you take out certain supplementary insurance products.
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