Tariff structures

CSS is committed to the active development of tariff structures (in particular TARDOC, LOA, physiotherapy, inpatient tariff structures). It espouses the primacy of the criterion of 'appropriateness' and advocates a strict separation of structure and price. The tariff structures must reflect current medical knowledge, enable services to be provided cost effectively and take changing healthcare structures into consideration. However, it rejects revisions that are purely financially motivated and not relevant to the matter in hand. CSS considers tariff autonomy and a functioning tariff partnership to be an important element of competition and supports every effort to find a solution to the negotiations, while also supporting subsidiary interventions by the Federal Council if tariff autonomy fails to lead to a solution that is both fit for purpose and acceptable to the premium payers.

Your health partner

As a health partner, we are committed to leading a healthy life, actively taking steps to regain one's health and developing a mindful approach to illness.

Being healthy

We help our clients find and maintain their balance, physically and mentally.
For a healthy life

Becoming healthy

We help anyone who is ill or has medical questions to find their way through the maze and quickly get the answers they need.
Steps to getting healthy

Living with illness

We have additional offers that encourage a mindful approach to chronic diseases.
Coping with illness