Christina Hunkeler – Health Coach

Christina Hunkeler

Psychologist and Health Coach

Christina Hunkeler earned a Master’s degree in Psychology from the University of Bern. As a health coach she worked in the Health Management section of CSS from October 2017 to spring 2024. Life is full of challenges and opportunities, and empowering people to take control of their own lives is an issue close to Christina’s heart. She accompanies and supports them in their journey to a healthy and self-determined life. In doing so, Christina is keen to activate people’s potential and help them gain new perspectives.

Articles by Christina Hunkeler


Breathing exercise

Simple breathing exercise for stress, anxiety or falling asleep.

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Burnout syndrome

The Swiss are stressed. What exactly is burnout and how can you protect yourself?


Mindfulness training

For everyday: four experts share their favourite exercises with us.

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