Checklist for mov­ing house: how to make it a success


Moving house involves a lot of work, both at the old location and the new. With all the clear­ing out, packing, organising, re-registering, cleaning and unpacking, moving house on your own or unprepared is hardly feasible. A checklist will help you keep track.

Checklist and tips for moving house

The moving date is set and you’re getting excited about your new four walls. This checklist with tips for the upcoming move is as simple as it is effective.

Moving house: what do I need to re-register?

Good preparation helps ensure that the move is a success – whether it’s to a nearby location, a new canton or even from abroad to Switzerland. After all, there are all kinds of organisational and administrative things to deal with when you move: reporting your new address, cancelling or re-registering contracts, amending the household contents insurance and other insurance policies, coordinating moving dates and organising cleaning – the list goes on.

These insurance poli­cies are important

Objects can wear out or break as a result of day-to-day living and moving house. We therefore recommend that both tenants and owners take out household contents insurance and liability insurance. These cover financial damage to personal belongings as well as damage to the property of others.

Moving house in 5 steps

To avoid unpleasant surprises or unforeseen problems, it’s worth preparing your move well. Our checklist with practical tips will help.

1. Old apartment

  • Give notice by registered mail.
  • Observe the notice period.
  • Clarify whether a new tenant has to be found.

Tips: a few weeks before the move

  • Clear out, give away and dispose of items.
  • Enquire about removal/cleaning companies, compare offers. Alternative: find helpers and organise a vehicle
  • Report the date of the move to your employer. All employees are normally entitled to one day off per move.
  • Organise baby-sitting if necessary.

2. Planning the move

  • Report the move to authorities, service providers and contractual partners: municipality of residence, health insurance provider, insurance companies, employers, schools, telephone providers, etc.
  • If necessary, arrange with the post office for your mail to be forwarded.
  • Organise moving day, and the handover of the old and new apartments.
  • Organise cleaning. If the cleaning is to be done by a company, be sure to agree on an acceptance guarantee.

Tips: a few days before the move

  • Dismantle furniture that is not urgently needed.
  • Cover delicate floors to protect them from scratches.
  • Buy rubbish bags and cleaning products.
  • Draw up a plan of furniture and boxes for the new apartment, e.g. with a colour system.
  • Buy food for the helpers.

3. Moving day

  • Reserve parking space.
  • Print out and distribute furniture plan, instruct helpers (fragile items, storage plan).
  • Have meter readings taken (water, electricity, gas).
  • Remove door signs. Empty letterbox.
  • Provide food, tools and cleaning materials.

Tips: precautions

  • Pack the most important things and clothes for the next two days in a suitcase.
  • Have light bulbs and lamps ready for initial light in the new apartment.

4. Cleaning and handing over

  • Clarify cleaning specifications with the landlord or administration (basic level or complete).
  • Hire and instruct a cleaning company or helpers.
  • Complete the handover report, hand over keys.

Tips: cleaning

  • Don't forget to clean the garage, cellar, letterbox etc.
  • Don’t forget the acceptance guarantee for cleaning.

5. New apartment

  • Take over the new keys.
  • Complete the apartment inspection report.
  • Record or document defects, report to the household contents insurance company if necessary.
  • Report the change of address to your municipality of residence, health insurance provider, bank, etc.

Health insurance premiums at a glance

Calculate premium

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