Complementary medicine: alternative forms of treatment


Acupuncture, homeopathy, shiatsu and phytotherapy: many people turn to alternative types of therapy. In addition to classical medicine, we support complementary forms of therapy under basic insurance and Alternative Insurance.

Complementary medicine: a natural alternative

Whether it's acupuncture and moxibustion for migraines and tension headaches, kinesiology for digestive problems, homeopathy for anxiety or shiatsu as part of post-burnout treatment – alternative treatment methods are popular with many patients as an effective complement to conventional medicine. They enable a holistic approach to treating medical conditions and relieving complaints.

We support alternative medicine and even cover benefits under basic insurance. Supplementary Alternative Insurance pays generous contributions towards alternative treatment methods and therapies.

What basic insurance pays

We cover services related to alternative treatment methods and complementary medicine if these are performed by a doctor. To be specific: services performed by recognised doctors with suitable qualifications or a relevant specialisation – for example, in traditional Chinese medicine, anthroposophic medicine, homeopathy or phytotherapy – are covered under basic insurance.

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Supplementary insurance closes gaps

Alternative medicine, natural therapies, complementary medicine: there are as many different names for it as there are therapies. You choose the alternative method, we cover the costs. Supplementary myFlex Alternative Insurance can be ideally tailored to your budget and needs. Choose from around 80 different treatment methods and a large selection of therapists.

Advantages of Alternative Insurance

  • Up to CHF 10,000 a year for treatment.
  • No deductible – we contribute to the costs from the very first franc.
  • 25% family discount for children and young people under 20.

Finding the right alternative treatment method

Getting your energy flowing again, relaxing with an Ayurvedic massage, relieving tension or taking positive action to reduce anxieties and complaints: alternative therapies practised in complementary medicine are popular and have been well-tried and tested. However, it's up to each individual patient to find out which treatment methods are right for them and what will help in their particular situation.

Your questions about complementary medicine answered

How do I find the right form of alternative treatment for my complaints?

Discuss your symptoms, disease progression and complaints with your family doctor or medical officer to find out which form of treatment is suitable for you.

What physical and psychological effects do alternative treatments have?

Whether needles, massage, talking or relaxation techniques: each form of therapy activates the self-healing powers of the body and the mind in different ways, helping to strengthen the immune system. These alternative methods may seek to restore the flow of energy, clear blockages, ease pain or create a healthy balance between mind, body and soul. Give the chosen form of therapy time to work – it's not uncommon to initially feel worse before experiencing a long-term improvement.

Is complementary medicine suitable for all ages?

Yes. Osteopathy, for example, is ideal for newborn babies (and mums) as it helps release birth-related tension and blockages. Complementary medicine treats the whole person, often taking their personal history and environment into account. This allows it to have a holistic effect. Your age doesn't matter in alternative medicine so long as the mind and body are ready and willing.

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