Make your own granola bars: 3 simple recipes without sugar

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Home-made granola bars are the ideal snack for on-the-go and fit in every bag or lunch box. The sugar-free bars provide long-lasting energy and are quick and easy to make.

Ideal mid-morning snack for children

Don’t all parents go through the same thing? No sooner is the mad rush of breakfast over, the next question is: What have I got in my snack box? Fruit, of course, and sometimes carrot sticks or sliced peppers. But children also need something that provides long-lasting energy in their snacks.

Industrial versions

Granola bars come in a range of tastes and provide a good energy boost. However, the industrial versions sold in supermarkets should be regarded with caution and are often not welcome in kindergarten and school. And for good reason. Many industrial bars contain a lot of industrial sugar or sweetener and hydrogenated fats such as palm oil – a combination that boosts blood sugar for a short time, but then hunger soon sets in again.

Home-made granola bar for a healthy alternative

The healthy alternative is home-made granola bars. These bars are sweetened, if at all, with honey, agave syrup or maple syrup. Often the natural sweetness of the dried fruit is sufficient. This makes the bar a nutritious snack for children – and also for adults. The home-made granola bars provide long-lasting energy when you're out doing sport or a hike. And all in a wide range of tastes without artificial flavouring.

Three different recipes

The basis for almost all granola bars is oats, nuts, dried fruit, chia seeds and flaxseed. Once you have these ingredients, little more investment is needed. However, making energy bars isn't only good for your wallet. If you start with a clear list of ingredients, you soon notice that granola bars are quick and easy to make. Home-made energy bars also stay fresh in the fridge for four days.

Try yourself!

Classic bar with dried fruit

Granola bars: classic bar with dried fruit
Fruity energy in bar form: the ideal mix of dried fruits and nutritious oats.


100g raisins, unsweetened cranberries or other dried fruit
35g butter
2-4 tbsp. honey, according to taste
150g oats
1 tbsp. cinnamon
seeds of 1 vanilla pod

Optional: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, flaxseed


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 170°C.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients and fruit.
  3. Gently heat the butter, cinnamon and vanilla and cook slowly for a few minutes to allow the flavours to develop.
  4. Mix all the ingredients together, place in a mould and press flat.
  5. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 170°C. Cut into bars while still warm.

Exotic version with bana­nas, amaranth & coconut

Granola bars: exotic version with bananas, amaranth and coconut
Quick and easy with an array of tastes and an exotic note.


220g oats
50g puffed amaranth (a gluten-free cereal)
100g nuts (almonds, pecan nuts, walnuts)
100g cranberries
25g coconut flakes
40g hemp protein or another protein powder
2 tbsp. flaxseed or chia seeds
6 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. virgin coconut oil
3 ripe bananas
1 tbsp. honey or maple syrup
1 tsp. cinnamon
a pinch of vanilla powder or the content of half a pod
a pinch of salt

Video demonstration: make your own granola bars

Watch the video for step-by-step instructions on how to make the healthy exotic granola bars – free of sugar, rich in protein and packed with energy.


  1. Mix the flaxseed with the water and place aside for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time. Roughly chop the nuts and place in a bowl with the other dry ingredients. Pre-heat the oven to 175°C.
  2. Blend the bananas, coconut oil, honey or maple syrup, flaxseed mixture and vanilla in a mixer.
  3. Add the banana mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well with a spatula. The mixture should not be too runny. If it is, add some oats or amaranth until the mixture has a thicker consistency.
  4. Put the mixture into the silicone mould and spread it to a thickness of approx. 1.5cm.
  5. Bake the granola bars for approx. 20 to 25 minutes until the edges are brown.

Protein bar with quark and oats

Most recipes for home-made protein bars contain whey protein or a plant-based alternative. If you wish to raise the protein content of your bars, you can add ‘artificial’ protein.

Granola bars: protein bar with quark and oats
Protein helps to prevent an energy dip between meals.


350g low-fat quark
150g fine oats
100g rough oats
3 eggs
30g flaxseed
1 tbsp. honey or agave syrup
3 chopped dates


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 170°C.
  2. Mix and knead all the ingredients.
  3. Place the mixture into a silicon mould. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes at 170°C.

Follow these tips for optimum results

  • Instead of honey, use another form of sugar substitute such as agave syrup, maple syrup or pear syrup.
  • Replace raisins with other dried fruits according to preference.
  • First let the bars cool in the mould before taking them out, otherwise they will quickly crumble.
  • Press the granola mixture down well before placing in the oven – this will keep the mass compact.
  • Sugar caramelises during baking and this is what keeps the mass together. If you find your granola bars quickly crumble, you can also add sugar. Alternative: finely chopped dried fruit.

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