BlackBoard: foot exercises with the adjustable tilting board


Our feet are miraculous parts of our body. As a complex structure of bones, joints, ligaments and muscles, they enable us to move and to stand upright and firm. BlackBoard foot exercises are designed to train the feet effectively and prevent painful foot conditions.

Exercises for aching feet

Of all our body parts, our feet belong to those under the most intense pressure. When we walk, they carry our entire body weight and are also responsible for keeping us balanced. Foot pain and foot conditions aren't only unpleasant, but have an enormous impact on the quality of our movement and on our entire musculoskeletal system.

Useful foot training with the BlackBoard

Exercises with the BlackBoard help strengthen foot muscles and joints.

Instructions for foot exercises

Sports scientist Gabrielle demonstrates various exercises with the BlackBoard. (in german)

Tips for top results

  • Train barefoot to best support the foot’s natural anatomy.
  • At first, practise each exercise for 30 seconds only and increase slowly for the foot to get used to the training.

Benefits of training with the BlackBoard

There are all kinds of ways of training the foot. For example, walking barefoot often strengthens foot muscles. The BlackBoard training system also allows users to train specific movement patterns in the foot.

What is a BlackBoard?

Made of two connected but separately movable standing surfaces, the BlackBoard can be used to train the forefoot and hindfoot separately. In addition, the BlackBoard’s freely mobile rotation axes are designed to build torsion – the rotation between the forefoot and the hindfoot – in a natural way, optimally strengthening the spiral shape of the foot.

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