Learn to do the handstand

Learn to do the handstand: with momentum against the wall

The handstand combines a variety of elements: strength, agility, mobility, a sense of balance and a good dose of patience when practising. These exercises will help you master your handstand.

A beginner’s guide to mastering the handstand

The handstand is a challenging way to train your body in a variety of ways. In addition to the muscle groups in the shoulders, arms and torso, it uses almost every single muscle in the body – because strong body tension is the essence. Learning to do a handstand means thinking in small steps. Here we present our step by step guide.

How does the handstand affect body and mind?

  • trains body tension
  • boosts concentration
  • builds self-esteem

Strengthening exercises as preparation

First, it's important to strengthen the main muscle groups involved (shoulders, arms, torso) and work on general body tension. Push-up and plank variations will strengthen biceps and triceps and ensure a stable torso. Don't forget to warm up before training!

The boat – body tension helps master the handstand

A classic abdominal exercise to train general body tension is the boat, which many people know from Pilates.

  1. To do this, sit upright, straighten your legs and lower your upper body slightly backwards, tensing your abdominal muscles.
  2. Now lift your feet off the floor and straighten your legs. Also lift your hands off the floor and stretch them forward at shoulder height.
Learn to do the handstand: The boat
Intensify the exercise by rocking back and forth slightly.

Assistance: climbing the wall (wall as technical support)

To help you with your handstand, there are a few preliminary exercises that can easily be done at home. The good thing about the handstand is that only a few square metres of space and a wall are enough to do the training.

Next level: with momen­tum against the wall

When you have mastered the first variation of the handstand against the wall, it's time for the next level. The wall is used purely to prevent you from tipping backwards.

  • While standing, turn to face the wall and place your hands on the floor as close as possible to the wall.
  • At the same time, leverage the momentum from your kicking-off leg while pushing off the floor with the other leg.
  • You can lean your feet lightly against the wall.
  • Don't forget: maintain body tension and stretch your legs. Once you can do this, take your hands farther and farther away from the wall and use the wall less.
Learn to do the handstand: with momentum against the wall
The wall is used purely to prevent you from tipping backwards.

Tips for a successful handstand

  • Make sure that the arms are fully extended.
  • Pull your shoulders towards your ears so that the upper back is stable.
  • Bring the pelvis over the shoulders.
  • Shift your weight from the palms to the root of the hands and use the fingers for balance.
  • Clench the abdomen to prevent a hollow back
  • Look towards the hands and tilt the head back slightly.
  • Practice makes perfect.
  • Be patient, because doing the handstand is a complex exercise that takes time to learn.
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