Prevent falls with bal­ance exercises


The risk of falling rises with increasing age and decreasing fitness levels. The consequences for seniors are par­tic­u­lar­ly grave. A few actions are all it takes to eliminate tripping hazards and prevent falls.

Prevent falls in old age

According to BFU (Swiss Council for Accident Prevention), falls are the most frequent cause of accidents in the home or garden, or during leisure time. 288,000 people fall in Switzerland every year. For almost 1,400 of those who fall – 95% of whom are over 65 years of age – the consequences of such an accident are fatal. For the elderly, a fall can often also mean the end of living independently. This makes fall prevention in old age particularly relevant.

Eliminate tripping hazards

However, balance problems and unsteadiness aren't the only cause of falls. Tripping hazards in the home are also risk factors. For example: poor lighting, loose carpets and unsuitable footwear are external factors that significantly increase the risk of falling. This is why it’s important to watch out for snares within your own four walls.

288,000 people fall in Switzerland every year. For almost 1,400 of those who fall – 95% of whom are over 65 years of age – the consequences of such an accident are fatal.

10 tips to prevent a fall

Just a few simple measures can help prevent a fall.

  1. Check your floor coverings and make sure that rugs are non-slip.
  2. Stow away any cables lying around and position the telephone to be easily accessible.
  3. Ensure that light switches and aids in the bedroom are near the bed.
  4. Make sure that the bathroom is well lit and remove obstacles that get in the way.
  5. Install handles in the bathtub to provide good support when getting in and out.
  6. Store pans and pots, frequently used kitchen appliances and food at a height that's easy to reach.
  7. Fit handrails on stairs and mark the steps on the staircase.
  8. Wear suitable footwear, both outdoors and indoors.
  9. Ensure a balanced diet and sufficient exercise in your daily life.
  10. Keep fit with strength, endurance and mobility training.

Reduce the risk of falling with good balancet

Falls often happen while we’re carrying out daily tasks. But with good balance and greater steadiness, we can minimise the risk and prevent many a fall. Fortunately, better movement coordination and balance can be trained with a few simple balance exercises.

Other exercises for beginners and the more advanced

A good sense of balance and muscles that react fast are the best way to prevent a fall. The earlier anyone starts with balance training, the better.


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