Bones & muscles

Strong bones and healthy muscles are important to our sense of well-being. Activity and exercise play a major role in this. Read on to find out what helps for pain and discover exercises that really work.

Household remedies for neck tension

Tight neck muscles can be eased by stimulating blood circulation.

What can help?
Welche Ursachen hinter Nackenschmerzen stecken können
Neck pain

Whether the cause is physical or psychological, cramped neck muscles hurt.

To the causes
Neck muscles

The neck muscles do complex work and are designed to protect the cervical spine.

What the neck does
Bindegewebe stärken: Warum es sich lohnt und wie es geht
Connective tissue

Strengthen connective tissue with the right diet and some effective exercises.

How it’s done
Faszien einfach erklärt
What is fascia?

Our connective tissue protects and supports our bodies and supplies our organs.

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Muskelverspannungen: 3 Tipps für weniger Schmerzen
Muscle tension

Not only is muscle tension painful, it can also restrict your daily activity.

Ease tension
Kreuzbandriss: Ursachen, Symptome und Behandlung
Cruciate ligament tear

A cruciate ligament tear is one of the most common sports injuries. Can it be prevented?

Suitable treatment
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Online training for pain

Ease tension

Try out the medicalmotion app for free for a week.

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