Core training: how full-body training strengthens the torso

Core Training: mehr als Bauchmuskeltraining

Core training = abdominal muscle training? Not at all – to strengthen the core effectively, you need to train your whole body.

Core training for strong core muscles

“Core” is often used as a synonym for the abdominal muscles. But it actually refers to all the muscles that stabilise the middle of the body. Far from being limited to the abdominal muscles, it includes many more muscles, such as the pelvic floor and all the muscles that stabilise the body's centre.

Train legs, back and arms for stability

Effective core training isn't simply a question of training your abdominal muscles. To develop full body stability, you also need to exercise your legs, back and arms. This is what really challenges the torso and leads to effective core strength.

Beginners’ torso training without equipment: basics of a core workout

Claudia Schilter, group fitness trainer and qualified yoga teacher, demonstrates how to strengthen your body with a number of basic full-body exercises. This provides the body with functional strength, helping to boost the stability of your everyday movements and prevent injuries.

Claudia Schilter, group fitness trainer and certified yoga instructor, demonstrates the basic exercises.
Core training is therefore an ideal form of training for back pain.

Core training for back pain

Our torso is the transition point and control centre for all the body’s movements. The torso also has the important task of protecting the spine from overload. A stable torso is therefore key to preventing back pain. Strong muscles take the load off the spine, reducing pain in the back. Core training is therefore an ideal form of training for back pain.

Too easy? Advanced core workout

Once you’ve developed a feeling for your body stability, feel free to be creative with your training. For more challenging exercises, see the advanced options. You can boost the basic exercise with the use of dumbbells, for example. The additional weight on the arms means that the torso has to work harder to keep the body stable. A rolled-up mat under the feet also provides an additional challenge for your balance – and therefore your core muscles.

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